
Generative AI has become an integral part of our daily lives. We are using it more and more: you let AI create images and videos, write reports, compose music, and even design games. But did you know that every time you use AI, a significant amount of energy is consumed?

Training AI models requires enormous computing power. On top of that, running those models continuously is energy-intensive. This means that servers in data centres are constantly working, which not only consumes a lot of electricity but also results in substantial greenhouse gas emissions. Data centres also need a lot of water to keep their systems cool. Furthermore, producing and maintaining the hardware for these operations requires vast amounts of raw materials, contributing to electronic waste. All of this adds up to a considerable environmental footprint and presents serious challenges for our planet.

Do you know how much energy a single AI task consumes, how AI’s carbon emissions compare to other activities, and what the future of AI means for global energy demand?

Take the quiz and gain a clearer understanding of AI’s impact on the environment. The insights can help you make more informed decisions about how you use AI. Each question challenges you to reflect on the choices you make and how small changes can contribute to a more sustainable world. Every time you check your answer, you will receive a tip to help you play your part in protecting the planet.

Both training AI systems and asking questions to a large language model consume a lot of energy, leading to increased greenhouse gas emissions. The environmental impact is significant, so think carefully about whether you really need all that computing power.

Although generative AI is trained on vast amounts of data, they are not always up-to-date. Are you looking for recent information? In that case, it is better to use a search engine.

Want to quickly look something up? A search engine like Google is your best bet. Especially for recent or time-sensitive information, a search engine is more reliable and efficient. For more complex questions and in-depth analysis, generative AI can be useful. Always ask yourself whether using AI is truly necessary and responsible.