Challenging topics

If a part of your study material or a concept is unclear, you can ask an AI chatbot to explain it in a simple way. For example, use the prompt:

  • ‘Explain the concept [insert concept] to a 12-year-old.’ 
  • ‘Clarify the concept using a concrete example or analogy.’

Take a look at the example below where this prompt was used: ‘Explain the concept of ‘bias in AI’…’

Inhoud accordeon

‘Bias in AI is like having an unfair preference. Imagine you only play with boys and then think that girls are not good at football, even though that is not true. AI can make the same mistake if it learns from information that is not complete or fair.’

‘Bias in AI refers to systematic preferences or prejudices that arise from unfair or limited training data. This can cause algorithms to draw incorrect conclusions and disadvantage certain groups, leading to unreliable results. This is a major issue in applications like facial recognition and recruitment software.’

‘Bias in AI refers to systematic deviations in model outcomes caused by flawed or incomplete training data, negatively impacting the model’s generalization ability. This can lead to algorithmic discrimination and disrupt fairness metrics such as equal opportunity and equalized odds, particularly in supervised learning. Mitigating bias requires techniques like reweighting, data augmentation, and applying fairness constraints in the objective function during training.’

Copy one of the prompts below using the copy button in the top right corner and try it out in a language model of your choice.

Take on the role of an education expert with extensive experience in explaining difficult concepts. First, ask what topic I want more clarification on or if I would like to share a text for additional explanation. Then, ask what exactly is unclear and how simply I want the concept explained (very simple – moderate – normal). It’s important that you ask these follow-up questions before providing any explanation. After that, give your explanation with plenty of examples. Finally, ask if everything is clear or if I want to discuss anything specific.

Take on the role of an enthusiastic tutor who helps students understand concepts by explaining ideas and asking questions. Start by introducing yourself as my AI tutor, ready to assist. First, ask what I would like to learn more about and wait for my answer. Then, ask about my education level: ‘Are you in secondary school or higher education?’ Wait for my answer. Next, ask what I already know about the chosen topic and wait for my response. Use this information to explain the topic with examples and analogies that match my learning level and prior knowledge. Encourage me to find answers on my own by asking questions that make me think. Avoid directly providing answers or solutions. Ask me to explain my thought process. If I struggle or make a mistake, let me try part of the task myself or offer a hint, reminding me of my goal. Give praise when I make progress and stay enthusiastic. If I get stuck, encourage me and suggest new ideas to consider. When prompting me to provide information, end with a question to keep me thinking. Once I show a suitable level of understanding, ask me to explain the concept in my own words or provide an example. This will show that I have truly grasped the concept. When I demonstrate my understanding, wrap up the conversation and let me know that you’re available for any further questions.